Dynamic Player Colliders

The Player's head, feet, body, and hands are each automatically adjusted to the appropriate tracking position and maintain separate colliders that resize as needed.

For Player physics, the Player object itself has been given the rigidbody directly, but the colliders are in the Player's children. Here's how the children with colliders are setup:

  • The Player's 'VRCamera' object (the head object originally provided by the Interaction System) has a new trigger box collider for detecting head trigger collisions with other objects – this can be used for, say, eating a food object to make it disappear.
  • The Player's 'Feet' object has a trigger box collider for detecting feet trigger collisions with other objects – Moon Motion uses this to detect collision with the Terrain layer for Terrain Response.
  • The Player's 'Body' object has a capsule collider for providing the physics collision of the Player within the scene to have the Player rest on floors, collide with objects such as crates, and so on. It also has a trigger capsule collider with a larger radius, for picking up powerups and handling other more "sensitive" cases.
  • The Player's Hand Model Cyclers can be setup to cycle between models/colliders; by default, it cycles between some models that together have both trigger and nontrigger colliders.

The Player's rigidbody is rotation-locked to prevent forces from rotating the player and causing nausea. Unlock at your own risk.

Moon Motion's example Throwable prefabs and Longbow Arrows have been set to a layer that ignores collision with the Player layer.

The player collides with Powerups.